This fall, Billy is offering a drop-in, pay-what-you-can acting class, every second Sunday of the month at Thymele Arts in East Hollywood. Actors of all level are encouraged to join! Sign up here.

Billy is a former Adjunct Professor at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, where he taught courses in Shakespeare and Contemporary Scene Study for the Open Arts Program. From 2009 - 2019 he assisted Vicki Hart, head of the Meisner Studio at NYU, both in class and by coaching on curricular rehearsal projects.

Billy offers coaching for film, TV & theater auditions, as well as drama school and other training program auditions. Coaching sessions are typically one hour and your first session will be offered at a discounted rate. Email for more info!

I adore working with Billy. In addition to his immense knowledge of Shakespeare, he knows exactly how to tackle a Film/TV scene. He’s worked extensively in all these disciplines in New York City, London and Los Angeles, so he’s incredibly helpful in knowing how to “book it”. I’m based in London and often book online sessions with him to work through projects and auditions I have. Billy is my go-to coach.
— Lanna J., client
Billy is the most compassionate, caring, and empathetic coach I have ever worked with. He is also, hands down, the most brilliant. He will create a warm, safe space for you to take risks, dig deep, and make breakthroughs on your path to your artistic goals. He’ll work with you to figure out exactly what you want to do and how to make it uniquely yours, and then he’ll draw upon his seemingly endless knowledge of creative, generative strategies to find what work best for you and get you there. (He also has an incredibly vast knowledge of material and is a great resource for new content to work on and challenge yourself with!) He is equally effective working quickly, to get you doing your best work with a fast turnaround, and working over the long term, to develop and grow your practice. And he breaks down text, from commercial copy to classical pieces, with more insight and effectiveness than anyone I’ve ever encountered.
Work with Billy — your career AND your artistic soul will thank you!
— Lindsay T., collaborator
Billy is, at the very least, incredibly funny and endearing, and at the most, perhaps the most thoughtful and steadfast coach I may ever work with. He approached the monologue from every angle to get me out of my own head and out of my insecurities, so that by the time the audition came around, I entered the audition room free of worry — I was prepared. I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to say that Billy helped me find my power in performance again, something I felt I’d lost many years ago.
— Priscilla M., client